If for some reason you have made a purchase and your item purchased is out of stock, we will advise you immediately, or replace it with another item of your choice to the same value, or advise you when the item will be back in stock and if agreeable to you, dispatch it then, or refund you your money.
We are so sorry if this happens to you and we will do everything in our power to minimise your inconvenience. This most likely will only happen when two people purchase the same item at the same time, which is very unusual.
Please note- this website is an offer to purchase only. We reserve the right to refund your money immediately if we do not have your product, or if there has been a mistake in the listing. We apologise for any inconvenience this may cause you.
If your favourite product is 'out of stock' currently we can let you know when it is back in stock and put it aside for you to ensure you don’t miss out next time. We can only hold product for 5 days.
If you want to go on our back order list please send us your name and email and we'll email you when your product comes back in stock. If you need to know sooner please call us on either 03 3440333 or 0508 BEAUTY (232889) and we will contact our sales rep straight away.
Make sure you put the Brand, name of the product and it’s colour, fragrance etc in the Subject line, and leave us your phone number so if we have any questions we can call you back straight away.